Judges Education Programmme

The Kennel Club have announced that a new Judges Competency Framework (now known the Judges Educational Programme - probably because the JCF indicated that a judge was 'competent' which is clearly, and unfortunately, not the case) will begin to be put in place from January 2019.  The JEP will run in tandem with the current regulatory structure until 2022.  The JEP takes the Kennel Club in a direction more aligned with that of other countries and has been put together to tackle the perceived difficulties and problems with the current framework. Many of the ideas which have been put forward by accredited trainers and others over the years have been incorporated along with new ideas and innovations which, though at first glance complicated, should provide a much better structure for both show managements and exhibitors apart from ensuring that judges are better educated.

The Judges Eduication Programme will host a new platform which will enable judges to keep their details up-to-date on the Internet and in association with the training courses within the Club's Kennel Club Academy.

Many announcements will be made over the next 2 to 3 years as the various new codes of practice and platforms are introduced and it is pleasing to note that a series of trials will be run over the next few months. 

Full details of the scheme can be found by clicking this link

You can access the Kennel Club Academy by clicking on this link